Shadow Hunters Fanfiction Wiki

The Shadowhunters Fanfic IRC is a channel for the users of Shadowhunters Fanfic Wiki.

How To Use the IRC[]

1. Go to

2. Type your nick (preferably your username) into the nick box

3. Type #shadowhunters-fanfic into the Channels box

4. Enjoy!


1. No excessive use of caps. DO YOU APPRECIATE TALKING LIKE THIS? No.

2. Keep the channel child-friendly. No sexual harrassment, racist talk, excessive profanity, bullying, etc.

3. No pranking.

4. No impersonating.

5. Please make sure you edit at least once a month before you use the IRC.

Follow these rules, and you can enjoy the IRC channel of Shadowhunters Fanfic Wiki. :)